
Live Blog Chat-room 2

Monday, September 6, 2010

Results of the Trend finder for August

On July 1st the SPX was near its low of 1010, and at the end of August was near the 1050 level, about a 5% difference, the Trend Finder was able to ride out the trends and survive the whip-sawing for a decent return. For the month of August the Trend Finder recorded a 8.36% increase or $948.80. Since the beginning of the tracking on July 1st, two months ago, the Trend Finder is up 22.94%, or 2294.10 on the original starting amount of $10,000. The Trend Finder was built for trading the 3x ETF's of TNA/TZA.
August 25th, 50% bearish, 8:10
August 25th, 25% bearish, open
August 24th, 100% bearish, open
August 19th, 75% bearish, 8:00am
August 19th, 25%bearish, 7:00 am
August 17th, neutral- 8:00 am
August 16th, 50% bearish- 6:45 am
August 12th, 100% bearish
August 11th, 50% bearish- 6:30 am
August 10th, 25% bullish- 7:30 am
August 9th, 50% bullish- 8:00 am
August 5th, neutral- 7:00 am
August 2nd, 100% bullish -8:00 am
August 2nd, 75% bullish -6:45 am
You can see all the results from the begining of July here!!!
If you are interested, you can sign-up to get twitter feeds for more timely updates of Trend changes.

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick question. You stated that the "The Trend Finder was built for trading the 3x ETF's of TNA/TZA" but you have a graph of the $SPX. Is this to say that you can apply the trend to the $SPX or is it meant only for TNA/TZA?
